
Mostrando postagens de março, 2016


Com gols de Léo Natel, Jô e Gustavo Mosquito, Timão bateu o Coxa em casa e saiu de campo com mais três pontos na bagagem Saiu a primeira vitória do Timão no Brasileirão Assaí! Corinthians e Coritiba entraram em campo na noite desta quarta-feira (19), em partida válida pela quarta rodada. E na Arena, o Alvinegro fez o dever de casa e conquistou o triunfo por 3 a 1. Com o resultado, os paulistas somam agora quatro pontos, com um jogo a menos. Já o Coxa segue sem pontuar na competição.  O jogo Na Arena Corinthians, o Coritiba não se intimidou e foi para cima. Mas o ímpeto dos visitantes durou até os 15 minutos, quando Yan Sasse foi expulso. Com um a mais em campo, o Timão passou a controlar o jogo. Na marca dos 25, a equipe paulista teve a bola na marca da cal após pênalti sofrido por Léo Natel. Na cobrança, Jô parou em Wilson. O VAR checou o lance, pegou uma infração do goleiro e mandou voltar a penalidade. E, na segunda tentativa, Jô novamente viu Wilson salvar o Coxa. 

Hannah 'Furacão' Cockroft tem uma razão especial para brilhar nos Jogos Paralímpicos

No Rio 2016, supercampeã mundial e Paralímpica de corrida em cadeira de rodas vai homenagear amiga que morreu no ano passado Hannah Cockroft, na chegada do ouro dos 200m em Londres 2012 (Foto: Getty Images/Julian Finney) Texto: Sam Green Fotos: Gabriel Nascimento Aos 23 anos, Hannah Cockroft já ganhou tantas medalhas de ouro e quebrou tantos recordes que deve ter perdido a conta. Mas melhorar o currículo nos Jogos Paralímpicos Rio 2016 será ainda muito mais especial para a corredora britânica de cadeira de rodas. Uma das estrelas nos Jogos Paralímpicos Londres 2012, a garota nascida em Yorkshire sempre dá nomes às suas cadeiras de corrida. Faz isso para amenizar as longas e solitárias horas de treinamento, e também para ajudar a humanizar o seu "instrumento de trabalho". A cadeira atual, batizada “Tinker”, tem um valor emocional a mais. “Perdi uma de minhas melhores amigas no ano passado. Por isso, batizei minha cadeira em sua homenagem. Espero q

Usain Bolt sights on breaking the record itself the 200m while training for the 'triple-triple' in 2016

In an exclusive interview, the Jamaican king of the tracks summons Brazilians to influence the Olympic Games with their culture Bolt plays with Vinicius, the Olympic mascot, against the background of the flag of the hose (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alex Ferro) Not that anyone need much convincing to want to see Usain Bolt compete in 2016, but his new visit to the city, the Jamaican sprinter offered to the public even more reason to cheer. In an exclusive interview with, Bolt said he plans to carry out an unprecedented "triple-triple" (three gold medals in the same events in three Olympics in a row), and a new record in the 200m its main focus. It seems the sky is the limit for "Ray." "The 200m (world record) is certainly a must for me, so I'm really focused on fulfilling it," said Bolt, who holds the world record of 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay. "It's the Olympic Games, is the highest level, so the competition will be tough, but

New Zealand athletes exchange ideas with young Olympic Mangueira Vila

Partnership of the country in Oceania with carioca school provides training to experts and sports equipment donation during the Rio 2016 Games Accustomed to the ball at the foot of hose girl experience rugby, played with an oval ball in his hands Text: Sam Green Photos: Alex Ferro Ambassador of New Zealand gave the party tone when greeted those present saying "Kia Ora" - "hello" in Maori, the indigenous language of their country. After the initial ceremony, the fun: rugby balls were thrown, capoeira formed and new bonds of friendship won the launch of the partner of the Olympic team of the "kiwis" - as the New Zealanders are known - with the Olympic Village Hose, in the north of Rio de Janeiro. The main idea behind the initiative is to promote an exchange: while the New Zealanders use sport to inspire young people in the Rio community, these same young people share their culture with visitors, enriching the experience of athletes come to compe

Final stretch of the Rio 2016 ratings: the dispute in artistic gymnastics

Test event at the Rio Olympic Arena define the latest jobs in April. The lock has a key role in defining the last female vacancies for Rio 2016 (Photo: Getty Images / Julian Finney) Text: Marcelo Feffer The Qualifier Gymnastics Final, Rio 2016 test event to be held 16-22 April at the Rio Olympic Arena will be the last competition that will rank opportunity for artistic gymnastics disputes the Olympic Games. Eight teams in the female and male, will contest four seats by teams for each gender. And for the gymnastics competition leader in Rio 2016, Roberto Nassar, there are clear favorites in this fight. Romania, Brazil, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Republic of Korea, France and Switzerland are the eight countries that will fight for the last four Olympic places among women's teams. In the male, Brazil obtained the unprecedented team classification. Germany, France, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Romania and Belarus will compete in the latest vacancies in th

Final stretch of the Rio 2016 ratings: the dispute in trampoline

There are seven places in the men's eight in the female and the setting will be the test event of the Games, in April, the Rio Olympic Arena. The Canadian Rosannagh MacLennan took the gold medal in the London Games 2012 (Photo: Getty Images / Ronald Martinez) Text: Marcelo Feffer The April 19 will be decisive for the definition of the last qualified for the springboard of Rio club dispute 2016. This is the date on which the competition will take place this discipline within the Qualifier Gymnastics Final test event to be held in the Arena Olympic River. And, according to the competition leader of the sport in Rio 2016, Mariana Accardo, this is the main championship sport through August, a preview of the Olympic Games. Will be 16 participants from each sex in the Olympic Games. The World Championship 2015 indicated eight athletes (with a maximum of two per country) among men and women, and also defined that Brazil will use his unique job as host nation in the men&#

Best gymnasts in the world compete in Rio in April

Calendar, athletes entries: Learn how to go to the larger Rio 2016 test event, which sets the latest jobs gym for the Games Event will take disputes in the three modalities Olympic gymnastics (artistic, rhythmic and trampoline) (Photo: Getty Images) Text: Patricia da Matta The 2016 Olympic Games are in the crosshairs of the best gymnasts in the world. But, before fight for a place on the podium, you have to fight for a spot. With over 100 seats in dispute, the Qualifier Gymnastics Final brings to Rio de Janeiro 331 beasts of 62 countries in the three types of sports (artistic, rhythmic and trampoline) four months before the Games. The competition takes place between 16 and 22 April, the Rio Olympic Arena and who is in Rio during the period will be able to witness a close fight:. The tickets cost R $ 20 and R $ 30 and can already be purchased at site. "It is the last chance for gymnasts who have not yet achieved the rating. They will do everything

unprecedented meeting of Hermeto Pascoal and Manu Dibango is Cariocas say 'merci

With hose planting in honor of chef Claude Troisgros, event saddle commitment of 2016 with the Francophonie Hermeto Pascoal and Manu Dibango: unprecedented meeting in the universal language (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alex Ferro) Text: Peter Only Photos: Alex Ferro Set as "the best of both worlds" would be appropriate, but inaccurate. A Brazilian genius Hermeto Pascoal, 79, and a legendary name of African music, the Cameroonian Manu Dibango, 82, added power to the Tom Jobim Center stage at the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, to celebrate the partnership between the Committee organizer Rio 2016 and the International Organization of Francophonie. As might be expected, the two understood by music, the most universal of languages, playing with the accompaniment of Cyclophonica Orchestra Bike Hall, before an audience of guests made up of diplomats, journalists and supporters of French culture. The meeting between the two legendary, unpublished names, was one of the sur

World Sailing visit Rio and leaves 'satisfied' with preparations for sailing competitions

International leaders approve efforts of the organizers to ensure the water quality in the Olympic Games Jobs in Marina da Glória leave the World Sailing confident (Photo: Getty / Images / Matthew Stockman) The World Sailing (WS), federation that runs the main international competitions of sailing, announced on its website that is satisfied with the progress in preparation for the races of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016. The executive director of the entity, Andy Hunt, the technical delegates Alastair Fox and Scott Perry, President of Pablo Masseroni events committee and Nebojsa Nikolic, representative of the medical committee were in Rio de Janeiro between 7 and March 10, and came out confident, with a positive impression of what they saw. "The pipe that will prevent the sewage straight out at Marina da Glória is entering its final stage of completion and, if all goes well, the work will be delivered in early April," reported the WS, after visiting the

Copa Brasil de BMX abre temporada com seletiva para Mundial

Competição será realizada no dia 21 de março na cidade de Americana (SP) Thiago Lemos/CBC A cidade de Americana, em São Paulo, abre o calendário de competições do BMX brasileiro no próximo dia 21 de março, na pista de BMX do complexo esportivo Ayrton Senna. O evento também será seletiva para o mundial e irá reunir os principais nomes da modalidade, incluindo pilotos da seleção brasileira. Com um legado promissor, a Copa Brasil atualmente cumpre um papel importante e fundamental para o desenvolvimento do BMX brasileiro. O evento ainda realizará outras seis etapas, passando pelas cidades de Manhuaçu (MG) dia 15/05, Palmas (TO) dia 26/06, Campo Bom (RS) dia 04/09, Joaçaba (SC) dia 25/09, Sorocaba (SP) 30/10 e Salvador (BA) 27/11. O primeiro desafio em Americana também será seletiva para o campeonato mundial que acontece na Colômbia, entre os dias 25 e 29 de maio. A prova de abertura soma pontos para o ranking nacional pela classe C2 e estará realizando provas em 34

Com apoio do Ministério do Esporte, Liga Feminina de futebol sub-20 do Brasil é confirmada com doze clubes

A competição será disputada entre os meses de março e junho Divulgação Com presença de doze clubes, incluindo Vasco da Gama, Coritiba e Criciúma, a I Liga Feminina de Futebol Sub-20 do Brasil será realizada entre os meses de março e junho. A primeira fase do torneio conta com jogos em Fortaleza, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Criciúma e Curitiba e reúne, além dos três clubes já citados equipes tradicionais do Futebol feminino como o Aliança (GO), Caucaia (CE), Iranduba (AM), Juventus (CE), Duda/Canoas (RS), Foz Cataratas (PR), Adeco (SP), Ferroviária (SP) e São José (SP). A competição é a primeira na história do país a reunir os chamados clubes de camisa e algumas das mais tradicionais Associações do Futebol Feminino, em uma competição de base, que reúne representantes das cinco regiões geográficas do Brasil, sendo promovida pela Associação Cuebla, de São Paulo, com apoio do Ministério do Esporte.  A Liga teve uma grande procura por parte de clubes interessados na participação

With guaranteed health security, equestrian center can now receive horses Games

Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Katia Abreu gave the facilities following agendas of the Federal Government to fine tune the Olympic preparations The care of the horses in the equestrian events at the 2016 Games begin on animal boarding in the country of origin and ends on health security Deodoro Olympic Park, site disputes the evidence of the sport. The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Katia Abreu, checked the facilities, on Friday (03/11), continuing the agenda of the Federal Government to fine tune preparations for the mega event. She assured that the area is ready to receive the horses, which begin to arrive in the country in July. "This work began to be done two years ago, clearing the area of small animals, pests and diseases. We managed to make the fallowing and declare the area free of equine diseases. This recognition by the World Organization for Animal Health is of utmost importance, "said Katia Abreu, referring to document the i

tramo final de 2016 clasificaciones: la disputa en el fútbol

falta sólo se establece un lugar en el torneo masculino, entre Colombia y Estados Unidos. De diferencias de sexo femenino ya está resuelta Texto: Marcelo Fefer Sólo falta la definición de trabajo de un hombre a ser conocido a todos los equipos que formarán parte del torneo de fútbol de los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016. Ella saldrá del duelo entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos en partidos de ida y vuelta a finales de este mes. Poco después, el 14 de abril, en el Maracaná, el sorteo de los grupos de las competiciones masculinas y femeninas se llevará a cabo Olímpico, que seguirán procedimientos similares a los de la Copa del Mundo. ya clasificada femenino Brasil, Colombia, Alemania, Francia, Zimbabwe, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica, EE.UU., Canadá, Australia, China y Suecia masculino Brasil, Argentina, Alemania, Dinamarca, Portugal, Suecia, Fiji, México, Honduras, Nigeria, Argelia, Sudáfrica, Japón, Corea del Sur e Irak Manténgase en sintonía El último punt

final stretch of 2016 ratings: the dispute in football

lack only set a place in the men's tournament, between Colombia and the United States. Female dispute is already settled Olympic champion at London 2012 by beating Brazil in the final, Mexico will seek bi Rio (Photo: Getty Images / Jeff J Mitchell) Text: Marcelo Fefer Just missing the definition of a man's job to be known all the teams that will be part of the football tournament of the Olympic Games Rio 2016. She will leave the duel between Colombia and the United States in matches round trip later this month. Soon after, on 14 April, at the Maracana, the draw of the groups of competitions female and male Olympic will be held, which will follow procedures similar to those of the World Cup, as has the competition leader of the Rio Committee football in 2016, Mauritius Waknin . Listen to what he says: already classified Female Brazil, Colombia, Germany, France, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, South Africa, USA, Canada, Australia, China and Sweden The women&#

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