Com gols de Léo Natel, Jô e Gustavo Mosquito, Timão bateu o Coxa em casa e saiu de campo com mais três pontos na bagagem Saiu a primeira vitória do Timão no Brasileirão Assaí! Corinthians e Coritiba entraram em campo na noite desta quarta-feira (19), em partida válida pela quarta rodada. E na Arena, o Alvinegro fez o dever de casa e conquistou o triunfo por 3 a 1. Com o resultado, os paulistas somam agora quatro pontos, com um jogo a menos. Já o Coxa segue sem pontuar na competição.  O jogo Na Arena Corinthians, o Coritiba não se intimidou e foi para cima. Mas o ímpeto dos visitantes durou até os 15 minutos, quando Yan Sasse foi expulso. Com um a mais em campo, o Timão passou a controlar o jogo. Na marca dos 25, a equipe paulista teve a bola na marca da cal após pênalti sofrido por Léo Natel. Na cobrança, Jô parou em Wilson. O VAR checou o lance, pegou uma infração do goleiro e mandou voltar a penalidade. E, na segunda tentativa, Jô novamente viu Wilson salvar o Coxa. 

With guaranteed health security, equestrian center can now receive horses Games

Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Katia Abreu gave the facilities following agendas of the Federal Government to fine tune the Olympic preparations

The care of the horses in the equestrian events at the 2016 Games begin on animal boarding in the country of origin and ends on health security Deodoro Olympic Park, site disputes the evidence of the sport. The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Katia Abreu, checked the facilities, on Friday (03/11), continuing the agenda of the Federal Government to fine tune preparations for the mega event. She assured that the area is ready to receive the horses, which begin to arrive in the country in July.

"This work began to be done two years ago, clearing the area of small animals, pests and diseases. We managed to make the fallowing and declare the area free of equine diseases. This recognition by the World Organization for Animal Health is of utmost importance, "said Katia Abreu, referring to document the international body that certifies the biosafety of the Equestrian Center.

Ministra Kátia Abreu visita Parque Olímpico de Deodoro. (Foto: Francisco Medeiros/ ME)
Minister Katia Abreu visit Olympic Park Deodoro. (Photo: Francisco Medeiros / ME)

The Ministry has created a security area comprising the Galeao route to Deodoro park, called "fallowing". The animals are attested in their home countries, landed at the airport of Rio de Janeiro and are transported in sealed trucks to the competition venues. The action will be all monitored by the Federal Government.

"Horses have a subcutaneous chip placed in the neck. Veterinarians countries of origin show that the required tests have been made. Horses have a passport paper which certifies the vaccines they took and brings the information that is on the chip. This inspection is made on their arrival to the country, "said Colonel Sergio Bernardes, general coordinator of Olympic facilities in the region.

The horses of the army, who were in Vila Militar, where the Olympic Park, have been removed for more than six months of the site, to avoid any contamination. Term greater than required in international rules. "Technically, this time eliminates the possibility of having any viruses or bacteria that may cause disease. The job now is maintenance, "adds Bernardes.

Arena das provas de salto, adestramento e CCE. (Fotos: André Motta/
Arena of jumping events, training and CCE. (Photos: Andrew Motta /


Biosecurity also eliminated the possibility of the presence of bacteria such as transmitting glanders - equestrian disease that affects the respiratory system and is lethal - which generated some concern after positive diagnosis in an original horse of the Holy Spirit and moved by the Vila Militar in the first half of last year. "We comply, strictly, all international movement rules and permanence of animals and risk in the region has been eliminated," he assured the minister.

For Katia Abreu, the experience gained by Brazilian technicians to meet all international health standards will be the biggest Olympic legacy for the sector. "Before all the biosafety work to host the Games, the Ministry increased. The federal tax and technicians improved and even the minister learned about it. All this experience is the greatest legacy for us. "

After passing by the local competition Full Riding Competition and Cross-Country, the delegation went to the Deodoro Stadium and then to the Arena of Youth, receiving the modern pentathlon test event until next Monday (14:03 ).

Baias para os cavalos e pista coberta para treinos. (Fotos: André Motta/
Stalls for the horses and indoor track for training. (Photos: Andrew Motta /


THE National Equestrian Centre was built for the Pan American Games Rio 2007 and designed according to the standards of the International Equestrian Federation. The complex has an area of one million square meters. The cross-country track, the four training runs and jumps and dressage arena have been adapted and extended to the evidence of the sport in the Olympics and Paralimpíadas.

Technical International Federation were on Friday measuring unpacking soil from the slopes. According to Bernardes, care is to prevent horses suffer injuries when they got out. "Every Olympic cycle brings new technologies. What we need are new floors of jump tracks, both the principal and the heating. It is a mixture of very fine sand, with fibers. The purpose is to cushion the impact of the jumps on the horses and avoid injury. This technology is approved by the International Equestrian Federation. In the area of the cross-country for the same reason, we also have to be careful with the floor. The preparation is done on the grass and in the ground, it has to be unzipped to have an adequate level of absorption of shock. "

Reservatório de água no circuito de Cross-Country. (Foto: Francisco Medeiros/ ME)
water tank in cross-country circuit. (Photo: Francisco Medeiros / ME)

In planting and grass maintenance were used vertical cutting machines, cutting down and unpacking. In the initial phase, irrigation is more intense for the grass to cool well and do not release when the horses are galloping. "We have a reservoir with a capacity of 240,000 liters of water. We're doing three daily, sectored irrigations. The track has eight sectors, each with a time of irrigation. Where is harder, we water more, to facilitate unpacking, "explains Bernardes.

The equestrian center will also feature a new veterinary clinic and accommodation for grooms and veterinarians (will be 72 apartments).

cross-country trail

- Route of 6.4 km for the Rio 2016 Games
- Width: between five and 20 meters
- Capacity: 15,000 spectators standing and sitting thousand (temporary)
- Reservoir: capacity to 240,000 liters of water

Arena de hipismo para as provas de saltos, adestramento e Concurso Completo de Equitação. (Foto: Gabriel Fialho/ ME)
equestrian arena for jumping events, dressage and eventing. (Photo: Gabriel Fialho / ME)

Arena Jumping and Dressage

- Four heating tracks
- An indoor track (practice): 70 meters by 30 meters
- Capacity: 14,200 seats (1,200 permanent and 13,000 temporary)

Gabriel Fialho -


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