Com gols de Léo Natel, Jô e Gustavo Mosquito, Timão bateu o Coxa em casa e saiu de campo com mais três pontos na bagagem Saiu a primeira vitória do Timão no Brasileirão Assaí! Corinthians e Coritiba entraram em campo na noite desta quarta-feira (19), em partida válida pela quarta rodada. E na Arena, o Alvinegro fez o dever de casa e conquistou o triunfo por 3 a 1. Com o resultado, os paulistas somam agora quatro pontos, com um jogo a menos. Já o Coxa segue sem pontuar na competição.  O jogo Na Arena Corinthians, o Coritiba não se intimidou e foi para cima. Mas o ímpeto dos visitantes durou até os 15 minutos, quando Yan Sasse foi expulso. Com um a mais em campo, o Timão passou a controlar o jogo. Na marca dos 25, a equipe paulista teve a bola na marca da cal após pênalti sofrido por Léo Natel. Na cobrança, Jô parou em Wilson. O VAR checou o lance, pegou uma infração do goleiro e mandou voltar a penalidade. E, na segunda tentativa, Jô novamente viu Wilson salvar o Coxa. 

Amid the idols, 'brand new' guarantee space in the elite of diving

Athletes from 14 to 15 years, as the Chinese Ren Qian, competing with veterans and show that they are already grown-ups

Ren Qian fez aniversário de 15 anos no último sábado e comemorou com um ouro no domingo  (Foto: Alex Ferro/Rio 2016)
Ren Qian made 15th birthday last Saturday and celebrated with a gold on Sunday (Photo: Alex Iron / 2016)

What you had won at age 15? Some games in the game, the first kiss or the naked Championship neighborhood ... How about a gold medal in a World Cup? For the diving is like this: early, athletes emerge and already among the best in the world in the most acrobatic of water sports. The Diving World Cup, which had on Tuesday (23) their fifth and final day of competition, eight players were born in the 2000s Eight other in 1999.

"It's a sport in which traditionally begins early to compete in the professional, with 14, 15 years. But the young age does not mean weakness. They have a lot of talent and work hard, sometimes even more than most adults"

Alexander Valiente, coach of the Brazilian national team in synchronized swimming since 2011

Ale, as it is known, he explains that the tradition of such young athletes already among professionals began in the 90s when very young Chinese began to dominate the sport. Cuban by birth, the manager believes that the willingness to learn, ambition and desire to accomplish goals do young people start early. As in diving short stature and elasticity favoring the realization of some movements, the Chinese writing has remained to the present day.
"I think that young athletes have more energy and willingness to learn and evolve. The will to do everything right, even the most basic movements, it may be higher," says Malaysian Nur Dhabitah Sabri, 16, who was fifth place in the synchronized 3m springboard at the World Cup on Saturday (20). In Rio, could participate in the same league that his example in sport, star Tom Daley.
On Sunday (21), it was the turn of Ren Qian amaze viewers - and adversaries - the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center. In the final individual platform 10m, she reached the only perfect execution (note 10 of all referees) this World Cup so far. Of course, he finished the race with neck gold medal - what few people know is that chinesinha of 1.50m had just turned 15, the day before:

"I really do not know how I did it but it was like in training. I did what I normally do. There is no secret, it's just training. And I love to train, I do not think boring"

Ren Qian, gold at the World Cup, turned 15 last Saturday (20)

Imagem Rio 2016
girl's face, 15 newly completed years and hatred is already routine for Ren Qian (Photo: Alexandre Loureiro / Rio  2016)

The youngest athlete of the entire competition is 14 years old. While most of us watched the pentacampeonato the Brazilian national soccer team, Tuti Garcia Navarro was born .... 2002 Cuban competed since in high-level competitions in professional since last year. In Rio, Tuti has become the darling of journalists and the organization of the event when he gave interviews in the mixed zone with eyes filled with tears, shy, after being eliminated in the preliminaries of the 10m platform and not get the Olympic spot. "I am very happy to be able to compete with so many good people. They are all an inspiration to me," he said, his voice cracking.
According Ale, both the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Swimming Federation (Fina) are concerned in protecting children athletes. For the Olympic tournament diving, for example, athletes can not be younger than 14 years of age by the end of 2016. "The top athletes give up a lot, but there are many children who want to train, this is their desire, "says Ale.Ren Qian, who is in the sport since the age of six, agrees:" I love to train, I do not think boring, "said the Chinese, who likes to read comics, watch TV and move the cell in his free time.
"At this age, everything is a learning experience. You have to respect age and limit each athlete so he would not miss any stage of his life "summarizes the coach, with the property of those who went through the same situation. Former athlete, Ale started in diving with seven. He stopped at 16, when he bordered the 1.80 m, and at that time was too great for the sport - "currently we have very high jumpers at a high level as well." Today at 40, says: "I did not open up anything to be an athlete. You're welcome".
Those who enjoy diving can keep an eye on class to come. Technical owl, Ale is full of praise for the new generation. "Athletes like Isaac Souza, Ingrid Oliveira and Giovanna Pedroso have everything to take off in the coming years," he says.

Imagem Rio 2016
At 14, the Cuban Tuti Garcia Navarro is the youngest of the Diving World Cup (Photo: Alexandre Loureiro / Rio 2016

Warrior, Hugo overcome pain and secure a slot

While the youth of Brazil in the sport is still growing, the more experienced will give the job. Earlier on Tuesday, another individual spot for Brazil in the diving of the Rio 2016 Games After Juliana Veloso and Cesar Castro, it was the turn of Hugo Parisi advance to the semifinals and assure Brazil in the men's 10m platform August. The wave came in suffocation: overcoming back pain, Hugo was in 18th position - the last to ensure classification.

"Hugo was a warrior today. Before the race I asked him to leave the race so much that he was in pain and could not jump, but he said 'no, I will skip this race and go to the end'"

Ricardo Moreira, head of the Brazilian delegation diving

Imagem Rio 2016
Hugo, left, also competed in synchronized platform alongside Jackson Rondinelli (Photo: Alexandre Loureiro / 2016)

in the case of Hugo who accumulated 479.65 points, and was below the 520 required by the Brazilian Aquatic Sports Confederation (CBDA) for nominal rating; the vacancy won can still be used by another Brazilian jumper in the Games.
Isaac, the youngest of the competition with 16 years was 23 and left satisfied with the result of his first major tournament at home, on the family: "He heard my father shouting quite loudly every time jumped," he said.

China again

The female 3m springboard (single decididada evidence Tuesday) no one has discovered how to stop China. As with the other individual event (10m platform), Chinese double in the top of the podium: Shi Tingmao took gold and He Zi with silver. Jennifer Abel, third, won the bronze for Canada.
Juliana Veloso, who had achieved the Olympic spot in the race on Monday (22), ranked 15th in the semifinal and did not advance to the final.


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