
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2016


Com gols de Léo Natel, Jô e Gustavo Mosquito, Timão bateu o Coxa em casa e saiu de campo com mais três pontos na bagagem Saiu a primeira vitória do Timão no Brasileirão Assaí! Corinthians e Coritiba entraram em campo na noite desta quarta-feira (19), em partida válida pela quarta rodada. E na Arena, o Alvinegro fez o dever de casa e conquistou o triunfo por 3 a 1. Com o resultado, os paulistas somam agora quatro pontos, com um jogo a menos. Já o Coxa segue sem pontuar na competição.  O jogo Na Arena Corinthians, o Coritiba não se intimidou e foi para cima. Mas o ímpeto dos visitantes durou até os 15 minutos, quando Yan Sasse foi expulso. Com um a mais em campo, o Timão passou a controlar o jogo. Na marca dos 25, a equipe paulista teve a bola na marca da cal após pênalti sofrido por Léo Natel. Na cobrança, Jô parou em Wilson. O VAR checou o lance, pegou uma infração do goleiro e mandou voltar a penalidade. E, na segunda tentativa, Jô novamente viu Wilson salvar o Coxa. 

50 km of pure claw: test event of race walking in Rio takes athletes to the limit

Text: Denise Mirás Under humidity above 60%, little wind, 38 degree heat on Sunday morning (28), proof of the 50km Race Walking Cup Brazil challenged the competitors in the circuit mounted on the Praia do Pontal. Of the 18 who started, only seven reached the final with times that have passed the four and a half hours to complete the route, earning as South American Championship and also as a test event for the 2016 Olympic Games. Fifty kilometers equivalent to about seven times the Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, six times the route from Leme to Leblon, or the distance from Copacabana to Pedra de Guaratiba. The images reveal the efforts of marchers in one of the most beautiful beaches of the city, in the West Zone. Bath in the route: marchers attempt to reduce body temperature with water on the head (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alex Ferro) What is the limit of the human being? The marchers may well answer that question. Proof technique that requires concentration to keep your f

Player 20 years is needed between rugby tough in wheelchair

Only woman in the test event, young British Coral Batey says not afraid of collisions with opponents Coral talent led to the selection after a year in the UK development program (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alexandre Loureiro) Of all the athletes in the International Rugby Tournament in Wheelchair, test event of the Paralympic Games Rio 2016, one stands out - in fact, one: Coral Batey, 20, the only woman in the competition (the sport is mixed). Undaunted, she showed no fear in hitting chairs against much stronger opponents physically and defend the team of Great Britain, which came out of the competition as the winner. The contrast, however, appears outside the court. When asked for an interview, trust is replaced with a startled look. "She's shy" warns the supervisor of the team. Coral ensures that never felt different within the group and says he likes to work alongside men, "It's really cool. There have discussions, as often happens when it is among women.

Wheelchair rugby athletes charms and wins new fans

International Tournament ended with victory for Britain, competitors and leaders praise, and much learning for the members of the Rio 2016 Britain, James Roberts, was test event champion (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alexandre Loureiro) Enchantment, positive experiences and surprises, in and out of court, were to mark the International Tournament Wheelchair sports test event for the Paralympic Games Rio 2016. The competition, which is part of the Warm River, was an exercise in discovery for most people who were part of the competition. Athletes knew and praised the structure found in the Carioca 1 Arena and were able to study the opponents. The public could enjoy for the first time the presence of large teams and be enchanted with the sport. People who worked in the games improved knowledge of the functions that will perform from September. And she gave Britain The end result also had its share of surprise. Or Australia, Paralympic and World champion, or Canada, first place in th

With floor and approved route, marchers suffered from the heat: 18, only seven finished the race

Ecuador dominate test event of race walking three athletes on the podium The race 50km race walking 50km will have the Olympic Games (Photo: Alexandre Vidal / Rio2016) 30 degrees at the start, even at 6:30 am, only seven of the 18 athletes registered for the 50km of Brazil march Cup, worth as South American Championship, finished the race disputed in the Pontal beach, in Rio de Janeiro. And even the Ecuadorians, traditional marchers and accustomed to the heat, did not expect much, as stated by the winner Claudio Villanueva Flores, who made the 4h23min37 brand. For Rio 2016, which dealt with the competition as a test event for the Olympic Games, floor and route were approved, as well as timing technology - the main points for consideration. For athletes, in general, the new asphalt floor recapeado and the circuit, flat and with just two curves in the loop two kilometers, is excellent because it enables a rapid test. The heat was crucial to the dropouts. As summed up Flowers c

2016 accessibility tests in the International Rugby Tournament in Wheelchair

Attention to detail and solutions to save time on loading and uploading  pluck praise from athletes test event Bus accommodates up to eight athletes in wheelchairs, most banks for those who can move (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alex Ferro) The International Rugby Tournament in Wheelchair, test event for the Paralympic Games Rio 2016 is a challenge for organizers in the category transportation accessibility. It is important that the system works properly, especially by involving displacement of a large number of people who use a wheelchair. Three buses were adapted to receive several wheelchair users simultaneously, and ramps for boarding have been installed in areas such as hotels and Carioca Arena 1. Athletes have approved the operation. "Since we landed at the airport all are taking care of us. Everything is 100% accessible: bus, hotel, gym. Congratulations to Brazil " David Willsie, the Canadian team of wheelchair rugby José Higino, the Brazilian team, also hails. &

‘It’s not every day that you can bash up other guys in wheelchairs,’ says Australian wheelchair rugby captain Ryley Batt

Reigning Paralympic and world champion explains why he loves his sport ahead of Rio 2016 test event Batt trains with his team at Rio 2016 Paralympic Games venue Carioca Arena 1 on Thursday (Photo: Rio 2016/Alex Ferro) Text: Valeria Zukeran Anyone still labouring under the impression that Paralympic athletes might deserve our sympathy, even our pity, should listen to Ryley Batt. The Australian wheelchair rugby captain, who has been described as the Lionel Messi or LeBron James of his sport, is the reigning Paralympic and world champion who will be seeking to defend his title at the   Rio 2016 Games And Batt likes nothing more than to mix it up. “What attracts everyone to wheelchair rugby is the physical side,” he told “It’s not every day that you can go out in a wheelchair and bash up other guys in wheelchairs. It’s pretty good fun. It’s a sport, a team sport that creates great friendships, and that aspect is pretty cool. But what draws me t

Rio 2016 Olympic race walk test event to give public a taste of the outdoor Games

In beautiful seaside setting immortalised in popular Brazilian funk song, athletes will compete on Olympic course The race walk demands a highly technical performance from competitors (Photo: Getty Images/Alexander Hassenstein) Text: Denise Mirás The Rio 2016 test event programme will reach the western-most Olympic Games venue this weekend, when the race walk is staged at Pontal, a spot immortalised in Brazilian popular culture. An island that is connected to the mainland by a thin stretch of sand during low tide, Pontal was celebrated in the song Do Leme ao Pontal (From Leme to Pontal), a love letter to Rio’s coastline by Brazilian soul and funk lengend Tim Maia. The  2016 Brazil Race Walk Cup  will give athletes the chance to compete on the Olympic circuit, with various male and femal age groups competing on Saturday, before the 50km men’s senior race on Sunday, which doubles up as the Rio 2016 test event. Forty organising committee staff will work alongside

Olympic Golf Course increased local biodiversity, says Rio Department of Justice's expert report

Olympic Golf Court helped bring back wildlife to the Marapendi area, says report (Photo: Rio 2016/Alex Ferro) (Photo: Rio 2016/Alex Ferro) According to an expert report released on Friday (26) by State of Rio de Janeiro Department of Justice, the construction of the Olympic Golf Course in Barra da Tijuca has contributed to the growth of local vegetation in the Marapendi area. Unveiled in November, the golf venue, assesses an expert study, ensured the return of different species of animals to a once degraded area. The inspection was carried out in December last year at the request of a civil lawsuit filed by the state prosecutors who questioned the environmental impacts of the project, and involved prosecutors, legal advisors and environmental specialists.The Rio 2016 Committee has monitored the changes in the region since the beginning of the works in 2013. "The environmental gain in the region is visible. Besides the flora, which increased extensively, we can obs

The jump of the Rio 2016 Games, the world's elite show gives the Aquatic Center Maria Lenk

Diving World Cup has strengthened the field of China, it has distributed 88 Olympic places and operations for the Olympic Games Diving World Cup had six days of competition at the Maria Lenk (Photo: Alexandre Loureiro / 2016) Less than six months for the opening ceremony on August 5, you could say that the 2016 Games are a leap here. Or rather: a jump. On Wednesday (24) the FINA Diving World Cup, 24 test event for the Olympic Games came to an end. And if the sport athletes are evaluated by issues such as presentation and implementation, it is not much different with the Heat Rio championships: "I rate 8.5 because taking 10 heels is very difficult. There remain some minor adjustments, such as painting for the installation host the Olympic Games," said the executive director of the International Swimming Federation (Fina) Cornel Marculescu. High technical level brand competition Who got a score of 10 was the Chinese Ren Qian. One of the new generation of s

Amid the idols, 'brand new' guarantee space in the elite of diving

Athletes from 14 to 15 years, as the Chinese Ren Qian, competing with veterans and show that they are already grown-ups Ren Qian made 15th birthday last Saturday and celebrated with a gold on Sunday (Photo: Alex Iron / 2016) What you had won at age 15? Some games in the game, the first kiss or the naked Championship neighborhood ... How about a gold medal in a World Cup? For the diving is like this: early, athletes emerge and already among the best in the world in the most acrobatic of water sports. The Diving World Cup, which had on Tuesday (23) their fifth and final day of competition, eight players were born in the 2000s Eight other in 1999. "It's a sport in which traditionally begins early to compete in the professional, with 14, 15 years. But the young age does not mean weakness. They have a lot of talent and work hard, sometimes even more than most adults" Alexander Valiente, coach of the Brazilian national team in synchronized swimming since 2011

Río 2016 celebra las ciudades recorrido de la antorcha y tiene uniforme de los conductores

Bajo un sol brillante y el sonido de los ritmos enteros país, Río aplaudir judoka Erika Miranda y jugar con la mascota Vinicius Bailar, los niños liberan las 329 ciudades que están en el relevo de la antorcha olímpica (Foto: Rio 2016 / Alex Ferro) Si el relevo de la antorcha olímpica se apaga en Brasilia el 3 de mayo, una muestra de la ola que va a viajar por todo el país se presentó el miércoles (24) por Rio 2016 en el New Town, cerca de la sede del Comité Organizador, era una pasarela tomada por signos desfile de los niños blandiendo con los nombres de todas las 329 ciudades donde se tomará la antorcha. A ellos se unió un grupo de juerguistas sobre pilotes y el baile reisado ropa de colores a diferentes ritmos brasileños. Así que con mucha fanfarria, en 40 grados sol, también se presentó el uniforme de los conductores, con los "modelos" del judoka Erika Miranda, la mascota de Vinicius y representantes designados por los patrocinadores Bradesco, Coca-Cola y Nissan. Ad

Antorcha olímpica presentará al mundo algunos de los lugares más bellos de Brasil

Relé se inicia en el país el 3 de mayo y cubre 329 ciudades en 95 días, mostrando la diversidad nacional Entorno paradisíaco de Fernando de Noronha tiene relevo de la antorcha prevista para junio (Foto: Ministerio de Turismo / Ricardo Rollo) Con la ceremonia de encendido de la llama en la ciudad griega de Olimpia el 21 de abril, comienza el recorrido de la antorcha, que inicia su recorrido en Brasil el 3 de mayo, de Brasilia. En 95 días se cubrirá 329 ciudades, incluyendo todas las capitales de los estados en camino trazado por más de 20.000 kilómetros (10.000 millas más aire) y que participaron unos 12.000 condutores.Nesta miércoles (24), en un acto organizado el Comité Río 2016, fueron puestos en libertad el guión oficial del relé y también el uniforme, con predominio blanco, utilizado por la judoca olímpica Erika Miranda. El partido, a la que asistieron los niños (que traen placas con los nombres de todo el recorrido de las ciudades), brincantes y vadear el cobertizo de Pot

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