Com gols de Léo Natel, Jô e Gustavo Mosquito, Timão bateu o Coxa em casa e saiu de campo com mais três pontos na bagagem Saiu a primeira vitória do Timão no Brasileirão Assaí! Corinthians e Coritiba entraram em campo na noite desta quarta-feira (19), em partida válida pela quarta rodada. E na Arena, o Alvinegro fez o dever de casa e conquistou o triunfo por 3 a 1. Com o resultado, os paulistas somam agora quatro pontos, com um jogo a menos. Já o Coxa segue sem pontuar na competição.  O jogo Na Arena Corinthians, o Coritiba não se intimidou e foi para cima. Mas o ímpeto dos visitantes durou até os 15 minutos, quando Yan Sasse foi expulso. Com um a mais em campo, o Timão passou a controlar o jogo. Na marca dos 25, a equipe paulista teve a bola na marca da cal após pênalti sofrido por Léo Natel. Na cobrança, Jô parou em Wilson. O VAR checou o lance, pegou uma infração do goleiro e mandou voltar a penalidade. E, na segunda tentativa, Jô novamente viu Wilson salvar o Coxa. 

Wheelchair rugby athletes charms and wins new fans

International Tournament ended with victory for Britain, competitors and leaders praise, and much learning for the members of the Rio 2016

Grã-Bretanha, de James Roberts, foi campeã do evento-teste  (Foto: Rio 2016/Alexandre Loureiro)
Britain, James Roberts, was test event champion (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alexandre Loureiro)

Enchantment, positive experiences and surprises, in and out of court, were to mark the International Tournament Wheelchair sports test event for the Paralympic Games Rio 2016. The competition, which is part of the Warm River, was an exercise in discovery for most people who were part of the competition. Athletes knew and praised the structure found in the Carioca 1 Arena and were able to study the opponents. The public could enjoy for the first time the presence of large teams and be enchanted with the sport. People who worked in the games improved knowledge of the functions that will perform from September.

And she gave Britain

The end result also had its share of surprise. Or Australia, Paralympic and World champion, or Canada, first place in the ranking of the International Federation of Rugby Wheelchair (IWRF). He gave Britain, although the result may not exactly be considered a zebra because the team is the current European champion and number five ranking. Coach Paul Shaw celebrated. "I think the best is that the whole team was able to face the best teams in the world, focused on time and without showing fear for our position (in the ranking in relation to the opponents)."
Imagem Rio 2016
No one can hold James Roberts (Photo: Rio 2016 / Alexandre Loureiro)

The Australian Ryley Batt, considered the best player in the world, had great performances and led his team to second place, but the highlight in the statistics was the British James Roberts. The athlete, who has scored 136 points and was the best player test event of the attack, was praised by rival and revealed how was your experience of discovering the environment of the Paralympic Games. "I really liked. It was great to know the arena and play with great teams too. "The clashes, according to Roberts, provided moments of exchange." We have learned, but also our opponents learned about us. "

"The gym is amazing and can not wait to see the audience here vibrating"
James Roberts, who does not hide his enthusiasm to return to the Games
Batt did not abate with the result. According to him, everyone is focused on what will make the Games. "My goal for September is definitely the gold medal. I know it will be difficult but we have conditions. "


positive surprise was also the Brazilian submission. Despite losing every game, the team, who missed the London Games, showed competitiveness against the best in the world. "It was enough to see that we grew up a lot in recent months, more than expected," said the captain Alexandre Taniguchi, Japa. "With the evolution that athletes are taking against these high-level guys, good things can happen '," said the Brazilian coach, Rafael Gouveia, hopeful that his team is able to compete for the fifth place in the Games.


Roberts was not the only one out of Brazil Carioca Arena fan 1. In all we saw in the test event, Erin Main, CEO of IWRF elected the gym as you liked. "It's basically full for us. The locker rooms have good size, rooms for work are good and I was pleased with the progress of works. " The surroundings of the Olympic Park also pleased. "We can say that the competition was a success. I am well pleased, preparations and execution for the event were very good. "
Imagem Rio 2016
There was no lack competitiveness between the teams in the test event (Photo: 2016 / Alexandre Loureiro)

Daniela Coelho, competition manager wheelchair rugby Rio 2016, finished the test event with positive evaluation. "Athletes loved, as well as the international federation. We tested transportation, airport (arrivals and departures) and the two were highly praised, "he said. "In the competition, it was a learning experience for the entire 2016 in relation to the Paralympics: accessibility, to meet the athlete who uses a wheelchair and needs and a sport in Brazil is little known. The public response was also very good, "he added.
Rodrigo Garcia, director of Sports of Rio 2016, said he also received good evaluations of the test event, but points the next improvements. "From the outside, the accessibility of the park, a lot has to be done and even so we have not event open to the public, only for guests," he said. "The power of the athletes (the food truck installed in the Olympic Park) has something to improve the relationship with our suppliers. We had problems in the first two days (some did not come to lunch time) but it has been corrected. "


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